- Bullying takes place when one person possesses more power than another person and intentionally leverages that power to threaten, scare, isolate or hurt another person.
- Bullying is behavior that hurts or harms another person physically or emotionally.
- Verbal Bullying is saying or writing mean things (teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, or threatening to cause harm).
- Social Bullying or Relational Bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationship (leaving someone out, unfriending one intentionally, spreading rumors, or embarrassing someone in public).
- Physical Bullying involves hurting someone’s body or possessions (hitting, kicking, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s stuff or making mean and rude hand gestures).
- Sexual Bullying is using words to demean someone’s gender or sexuality, inappropriate touching, unwelcome physical contact or posting inappropriate pictures online.
- Cyberbullying is using technology to bully (texts, videos, stories, photos that ridicule someone, spreading rumors through social networking sites.